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(1 edit)

How do I remove the chastity cage?? I'm a bitch of galiano, but I don't know how to remove it 😭😭

Chastity Cage; Dick Cage :p


The content about skru vaks (or smth like that :p) was pretty hot, i wish to see more of him in the future

im trying to progress the side quest for stealing a brain but i can't travel to novel nexus, is it still a wip or is there something i have to do to unlock the other planets besides akra sith and the coment

I believe this is still a WIP

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I'm playing the mac version, and after talking to Garth after sparing Grankul, Garth's sprite is now stuck on the screen.

Edit: I just talked to him again later to get the sprite to go away.


Props to the soundtrack designer, I've been bopping to the clubs' songs for a while

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Will there be more content on Asmodeo? I really enjoyed him as a character....(kinda remineded me of Belial from GBF, which I absolutely love), and him being more jealous and "lock you up in a tower, you are mine" type of a guy, it's refreshing cause he is different, even more toxic asshole then other crew memebers. I like obsessive assholes in games, seems fun lol Will there be more with him? would be really good!

Thank you for making such a cool game!


Hi is there a guide available for after you get to sithyrya? I would appreciate it if someone gave me a link if there is one :) 


There is none, I think but if u need help feel free to ask us here^^

how do i not betray galiano? it won't let me advance, i think it's a bug.

yeah i was in your shoes, you'll have to chose to "kill" garth or it´ll not let you progress

how do i find the jail where galiano is?

It should appear at the north of the first floor


replaying this game after a year of not playing and right off the bat i see many changes, i can say that the game is amazing and has a lot of special scenes depending on different variables, but i just wish that the cheat menu didnt get removed, as i find half the gameplay is just grinding at the casino for money, or not having enough dragons, or just beating the same enemy over and over for levels

(1 edit) (+3)

Umm everyone! I'm sure a lot of newbies (fresh hoties) here who are playing this game has many doubts. So you can just go to chrome and search for this game's walk through, it will help you till you defeat Arihama! Then you can ask us(old geezers) if you need any help ;) 

hey, im trying to progress the side quest for stealing a brain but i can't travel to novel nexus, is it still a wip or is there something i have to do to unlock the other planets besides akra sith and the coment


Just wanted to say thank you for your work, and that I'm a big fan of the way you write, and how you describe intimacy ! Love what you're doing with the romances (The scene where our character check on Rylan after the gangbang is really cute), even more in between all this kinky sex !

Can't wait to meet Gale  Gabriel ! I hope he has the same danger kink ;) haha

How do I activate "The best lube money can buy part 3." Scene?

I know it might be silly to ask, but do we have sex with the AI ?

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Yes but you need to get it a body, which happens later on in the story.


Ok, thanks !

Has it been implemented yet? Getting him a body...

Uhh I accidentally trapped a sand wyrm. Is there a way to release it?


Yes, there is a way to release him. Just go to the mechanic of our ship(the four hands guy) tell him to recharge the ball. 

oh thank god thanks

No worries;)

I think I forgot how to use the activated ball to release the wyrm :'( What's the next step after recharging the ball??

Oh sorry for the late reply I haven't logged in for a while btw after u defeat a monster u can catch him

I meant releasing the one in the cell :)

Is there another way to get to the second floor of Akra? I rejected the first method and the quest says find another way but I can't find one.

What was the first method?? I forgot, please tell me maybe I would be of some help 

I think he means garth selling you to someone.

If you mean you rejected getting sold, then no, there is no other way. You've softlocked yourself.

Trying to drink cum jars during battle triggers lust attack instead of restoring HP. Same with attempting melee with the whip.

I'm pretty certain that is for the lust battle style. They have three styles melee, ranged, and lust. The whip and cum jar are for a lust fighting style.

(1 edit)

The cum jar works fine as an HP restoring item in other battles, or outside battles. But in certain battles like the grauls, Bradley, and the angry thing, it triggers an attempt to seduce with zero lust damage and zero healing. It's a bug.

Hmm see, the cums restore your hp and mana but costs high lust and the whip can't be used for melee attack it boosts you lust attack. Try to wear the dragon suite and master underwear and level up your appearance to at least 20. It will help u a lot with lust attack if you like it. 

Nono, I can do lust attacks fine. But the cum jar is bugged in certain battles like the angry demon enemy and Bradley's sparring. It doesn't raise HP or Lust, and does a zero damage lust attack. I have high lust attack when using the normal lust attack button.

Oh then it must be some bug.. They will fix it soon:)

Akra core doesn't sell me crystals anymore :/


Yea it happens after the bad guy leaves the underground but you can buy crystals on the other planet ;)

How can i meet diego? Hes never on the club

You have to keep going, and it only advances the next day so can't just go in and out of the club. Then soon he should be there fingers crossed. 

k thx

Who is Diego? I forgot it has been a while since I played this game because it didn't had any updates but I downloaded the update just now!

a guy from the pulse (VIP section)

I think the dominant bottom path is glitched or unfinished for Galiano. When I do dominant top I can immediately fuck him again. With the dominant bottom I don't get the option to have sex again. I am using the mist recent update.

I never actually learnt how to update these types of games. so how do I do that without just breaking everything?

If on android you just install the new apk and it should overwrite the old version without affecting save files. 

The issue I've found is some developers change a lot of code and then the new versions don't work but never been the case with lust odyssey.

If your on pc just download the new version, open it up and open your save. then you can delete the old version.

How do you spy on the crew? I keep seeing scenes get added but idk how to do it :O

Ship -- your Bedroom -- TV

Does anyone have the code to the vault??? please   🥺🥺

[spoiler] BRADLEY [/spoiler]


thank you so much ☺️

is there any way to choose galiano but not kill Garth? 

[spoiler]You don't *actually* kill Garth.. he comes back a second time, and you can "save him" again.. but that storyline is still WIP. [/spoiler]

Does this mean that even if the text says I killed Garth, he will still reappear later?

the first time, yes. but if you kill him the second time… gone…

What did Iacchus want when we first met him? He told me to bring something but I must've skipped that part. I have no idea.

He wants a great source of magic as far as I know
(1 edit) (+4)

I wish i could pay poor Sammuel and get him some pants lol

I wish I could pay Samuel to let him walk around naked :D

Lol same!

How can i make galino my bitch ? 

you need high respect in Akra and must be dominant

How do you get respect because I don't get the option to do it with gang in the bar?

You get enough once you make it to the 2nd level, I got it to 100 but if I remember correctly it works from 20

How can proceed with this mission

How did you get this mission?

Same how did u get this mission?

(1 edit)

I've played the game many times, but I didn't get that mission..... I really don't know. And it is the first time I see this mission so I have no clue about....bbut I really want to know 😅 And I am playing the meta-human version, so I have access to the discord channel, and even there Icve never heard about this specifically mission.... Sorry for my bad english, I'am italian, and I am learning english from reading and playing games 🧐 

Oh so that's it! It must be a side quest of the new update....your English is fantastic no problem with it haha and if u want to play more gay games you can play seductive shadows, I dare you to undress me and games on and there are couple of gay games on Porn games hub site too! XD

I am a little late... But thank you so much for your suggestions ☺️

you have to first have the convo about arthur making chip a brain, then you need to have a drink at the coffe shop on the second floor of akra and invite chip, after that you can talk to chip about a sythetic brain and you'll get the quest, 

at least that's what i remember doing, i could be leaving a step out somewhere. 

(sorry for copy, just wanna make sure all get notif.)

Deleted 274 days ago

Ok, now I got this mission too. Thank you!

you have to first have the convo about arthur making chip a brain, then you need to have a drink at the coffe shop on the second floor of akra and invite chip, after that you can talk to chip about a sythetic brain and you'll get the quest, 

at least that's what i remember doing, i could be leaving a step out somewhere.

you have to first have the convo about arthur making chip a brain, then you need to have a drink at the coffe shop on the second floor of akra and invite chip, after that you can talk to chip about a sythetic brain and you'll get the quest, 

at least that's what i remember doing, i could be leaving a step out somewhere. 

(sorry for copy, just wanna make sure all get notif.)

Vault password


Are you asking for it or...?



Why is it that planet Nova nexus and ergon's home planet can't be accessed 

I think they can be but in this update.. Tell me if you were to get into any planet XD

There seems to be multiple characters that I can't seem to meet.  I can find Asmodeon ( I followed the instructions below), don't know who horfylx is, and I think there's another guy who's name starts with a Z. Zylon or something like that. Can anyone help?

I found Zyron

How did u?

after you defeat the warlord he'll jump you when leaving your ship in akra

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How do I progress with the story after defeating horfylx I am literally going fro Akra to Sytharia to L-17 to space over and over

Um, I do not know if you are still reading these, but on the gamcore version of the game, whenever you try to build gear with alastor, the game crashes. Is there any way to fix this?

Hi I need a little bit of help I have the game downloaded on my laptop but I want to download it on my phone put the apk isn't working even though I have the correct phone for the apk if someone could help me on this that would be nice.

No idea, It downloaded in my phone normally

Hi, I just wanted to point out that if you betray Galiano and Garth loses the elections, you'll end up in a dead end. It doesn't matter whether you save Galiano or not.


Yes I became a bitch to let him win the election! TwT

I wanna support on patreon but I live in a super conservative country and my card blocks transactions that are "inappropriate" :(

wait in what fucking county do you live lol now I wanna know I didn't know something like that existed

Singapore. I know its not an issue with patreon because i can subscribe to other things without issues, but its only this game that i cant.


Not just countries though, VISA itself is/was planing a BAN on "adult purchases"...


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