there seems to be an error/bug in the game where i go to try and whore myself out, and then have a quick conversation with gabriel. after that, he asks me to come and see him but when i visit him in the bar, all i can see is a large WIP text box and no way to escape out of it. any way to progress?
ive noticed my game not keeping track of my character (male body, sub/bottom, chastity caged) so scenes end up referencing me having a pussy and breasts while also saying characters are riding my characters dick even while chastity caged.
ive tried making a new game and when that didnt work tried fully erasing my game/progress and restarting but its still happening idk if im downloading wrong or something else.
I have the opposite problem. As a female, multiple scenes (namely the loooong Bradley arena) are almost exclusively people riding my apparently tiny dick. Even Feraldo's pussy-centric omega scenes sometimes morph from vaginal into anal then finishes with womb stuff.
I supported Galiano and I managed to get to the second floor...And I still get to be Thuul's slave...Is this an error or is the story intended to go that way?
I really don't know who to choose between side with holoryx or nikolaos, like i rlly want them but i have to choose one😭, can someone give me a heads up or spoiler abt what's gonna happen
I'm playing on easy mode but is there any tips to beat Bradley after training with him? Or should I just go for the armour they want me to have for the warlord
Yeah, it's better to fight Bradley for last before fighting the warlord. Bradley's pretty tough. Make sure to also get a bunch of pills, those will help you immensely.
The way you buy the body is by going to your captains quarters and then watching the TV, The TV will mention the Dreamer device, Which unlocks a shop to the right of the quests button, Click on that and you will see an in game error notice, Ignore it, And on the top and left of of the screen you will see two adds, The top one is for the Dreamer, And on the left you can buy the android body along with extra stuff for it, You than go to the forth floor on the ship and click the exit door to which you will receive the body.
You go to Akra, Then to city map, Go to the club and talk to the bartender and ask about Galiano, Soon after you will be directed to the VIP section by the game where you will meet him
You need to just bet 1,000 gc in the casino then save spam it until you won, load it if you didn't win, I won 100,000 gc two times in a very small chance so I progress with the mission faster.
Would someone be wiling to help me? I think I'm missing something, how can I buy crystals in the Akra subways? Does it come later in the game, have I not gone far enough?
You mean to feed the alpha/Hakkon?, When you beat the fight of the sub-guh’nir alpha and recruit him on your crew (A.K.A Hakkon), You can buy 10 pure energy crystals in the core, for 1,000 galaxy crédits (i think, I’m not sure). If you killed ‘Hakkon’ after beating him then you can’t access this option. Hope this helps! ^^
Yes!, Feed the alpha to gain dark crystals. I figured you were talking about the dark spear but i remembered that you also need pure energy crystals for another gun (i think), So i was thinking of deleting that reply XD
i can´t help but wonder when is the pregnancy/fertility mechanic is going to be added in the next update, i don´t know i want the mc to be able to help Hakkon on his ¨mission¨, well just me i think :)
When seeing the sex shop for the first time "Luck" says that he wants a body, so how do I get a good payday from the slots and when buying it where will I fined it?
1, With the casino you can cheese it by save scumming, Placing a save, betting 1000, As soon as you get above your money when you placed the OG save you save again, Repeat, keep doing this to the wanted amount, And just reload the save if you go broke, But if you lose more than half I'd recommend reloading anyways, As it's faster than hoping you make your way back up.
2. The way you buy the body is by going to your captains quarters and then watching the TV, The TV will mention the Dreamer device, Which unlocks a shop to the right of the quests button, Click on that and you will see an in game error notice, Ignore it, And on the top and left of of the screen you will see two adds, The top one is for the Dreamer, And on the left you can buy the android body along with extra stuff for it, You than go to the forth floor on the ship and click the exit door to which you will receive the body
I'd recommend getting at least 150k before hand just to make sure to buy the extra stuff if you want it.
3. Luck is a good name for him i like it, I named mine Johnny
I just wanted to say that i LOVE this game!!!! Best visual novel out there. Only thing i wish is that it was easier to track who exactly we were romancing in the menu screen like who were in an actual relationship with and etc, and i have no clue how to get into a relationship with egons dad :(
I just got new quest "Kill the Warlord", but he has too much hp, i don't understand how to beat him. Maybe there is something i shoud do before battle to increase chances?
UPD: THIS MONSTER IS NO MORE!!! If you have the same problem, you should check side quests in the quests menu
You can unlock a quest to make a bio weapon and lower the hp of the warlod. You can go to the second floor of Akra with 1m of money but i guess that depends if galiano is on your side or no.. i took this parh btw
Galiano is imprisoned. I chose to support Garth. Hewill pay this 1m fee for you if you help him to win the election, but in this case you should accept slavery. It doesn't matter, you still can hack the limo with AI's assistance and avoid being a slave.
I don't know if there is any other ways without supporting Galiano instead of Garth
The combat seems janky and insanely difficult for no reason. Started playing recently and can't beat the sub-guh'nir alpha no matter what I try. Sometimes I can crit for 150 dmg or for like 8 dmg. The enemy can move first and one shot me or completely miss. Pills feel incredibly weak and I have to spam them every turn until the enemy finally misses. Difficulty setting seems to do absolutely nothing as well.
It is recommended for the sub-guh´nir alpha fight to choose “tease” rather than fight, that way the fight is more easy to win. (i might have another solution for you but it requieres cheats. idk if you want i tell you the name of the page)
Sure, You have to search for ‘’ and when your’e there you have to upload the save file, when you do that, just input in the box ‘Galaxycredits’ or ‘Dragons’, if you want you can also modificate your skills, you just have to put in the search box for it, Example: ‘current_combatant > cunning’ Make sure it says ‘current_combatant’ first.
What has been implemented with the 'Hate' side of the friendship system? I tried getting some characters to hate me but it only seemed to close off options/interactions/story lines not provide any new ones.
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there seems to be an error/bug in the game where i go to try and whore myself out, and then have a quick conversation with gabriel. after that, he asks me to come and see him but when i visit him in the bar, all i can see is a large WIP text box and no way to escape out of it. any way to progress?
I have the same problem
HELP! im buying a new phone, is there any way to "transfer" my save to my new phone? i don't want to start all over it again😭
Does anyone know how to whore out rylan?
HELP! Does anyone knows what patreon tier gives us the option to use CHEATS in game??
Meta humens
Also tell me what cheats are available xD iam to poor to just buy and not have any that i need
thank you! and sure, when i subscribe to the patreon, i'll let you know what are the cheats!
ive noticed my game not keeping track of my character (male body, sub/bottom, chastity caged) so scenes end up referencing me having a pussy and breasts while also saying characters are riding my characters dick even while chastity caged.
ive tried making a new game and when that didnt work tried fully erasing my game/progress and restarting but its still happening idk if im downloading wrong or something else.
I have the opposite problem. As a female, multiple scenes (namely the loooong Bradley arena) are almost exclusively people riding my apparently tiny dick. Even Feraldo's pussy-centric omega scenes sometimes morph from vaginal into anal then finishes with womb stuff.
how do you get to where you can whore yourself consistantly are their specific times you can do so to get scenes sso you can earn gold?
I am still unable to cross the valley. Do I have to go back to an older save, or start over?
How can I put the saddle on Bradley? The option doesn't appear for me.
How can I give Skru'vaks a deeper massage? The option to do it won't show.
I think that might be a dom/verse top exclusive thing. What role and position did you pick?
I'm currently playing as sub top. I'll try switching to dom then.
I supported Galiano and I managed to get to the second floor...And I still get to be Thuul's slave...Is this an error or is the story intended to go that way?
I really don't know who to choose between side with holoryx or nikolaos, like i rlly want them but i have to choose one😭, can someone give me a heads up or spoiler abt what's gonna happen
Does anyone know how to put Galiano in prison? I can't find Galiano anywhere
I'm playing on easy mode but is there any tips to beat Bradley after training with him? Or should I just go for the armour they want me to have for the warlord
Yeah, it's better to fight Bradley for last before fighting the warlord. Bradley's pretty tough. Make sure to also get a bunch of pills, those will help you immensely.
How do you get the ship AI a body? I don't see any option to do it, and I'm currently on Harmonia
The way you buy the body is by going to your captains quarters and then watching the TV, The TV will mention the Dreamer device, Which unlocks a shop to the right of the quests button, Click on that and you will see an in game error notice, Ignore it, And on the top and left of of the screen you will see two adds, The top one is for the Dreamer, And on the left you can buy the android body along with extra stuff for it, You than go to the forth floor on the ship and click the exit door to which you will receive the body.
Oh shit I didn't know any of this, thank you! ;)
You go to Akra, Then to city map, Go to the club and talk to the bartender and ask about Galiano, Soon after you will be directed to the VIP section by the game where you will meet him
Hey um so Asmodeo just disapear?? i didnt kick him out but idk were he is now??
How about you find him at the dance floor of club at the upper level ?
When will we be able to entertain Garth???
To continue the story I need 1 million galactic credits, is there any way to get them faster??
You need to just bet 1,000 gc in the casino then save spam it until you won, load it if you didn't win, I won 100,000 gc two times in a very small chance so I progress with the mission faster.
Thank you very much I will try later
Whore galiano out, it gives u aeound 30k each time
Can someone tell me the code of the vault? I don't know if I skipped the plot, so I don't know where to find it.
It's Bradley in all capitals on his pirate ship
Is this the vault password? Why can't I open it?
What vault are you trying to open
I was pondering on the "pirate" ship's vault's code myself so this helps me lol
are there other vaults later on?
no not that I can find any
I don't think so
how to travel to Sithyrya? Is there supposed to be a travel button?
How do I get to the 3rd level in Akra? Im stuck and don't know what to do
In wich part of the story you are?, I mean, wich event you currently are?
Find the Praharma of Akra where it shows me the elevator but tells me to explode everything or find another way up
Oh, that part is still a WIP (Work in progress) You’ll have to wait till the next update!, Those options are like a placeholder
oh ok thank you
I need 25k to pay Feraldo.
Is there any easy way to get money?
Whoring galiano out is pretty lucrative
Thank you very much
You can go bet in the casino if you want, tough it is really tedious.
Thank you very much
Would someone be wiling to help me? I think I'm missing something, how can I buy crystals in the Akra subways? Does it come later in the game, have I not gone far enough?
You mean to feed the alpha/Hakkon?, When you beat the fight of the sub-guh’nir alpha and recruit him on your crew (A.K.A Hakkon), You can buy 10 pure energy crystals in the core, for 1,000 galaxy crédits (i think, I’m not sure). If you killed ‘Hakkon’ after beating him then you can’t access this option. Hope this helps! ^^
it does, thank you so much!
Not a necessary addition, but I had wanted the cystals so Alastor could build a weapon I wanted
Oh, would you like an explanation how to gain Dark crystals?
The dark crystals are from the sub guh'nir, right?
Yes!, Feed the alpha to gain dark crystals. I figured you were talking about the dark spear but i remembered that you also need pure energy crystals for another gun (i think), So i was thinking of deleting that reply XD
i've always see the game when i'm scrolling, but i've never stopped and said "lets see", now i just read the information and.. i'm in love! 😍👊👊
(sorry if i writted something grong)
Kinda Curious: Why only Males?
In the description of the game i think it say’s why. Because the game is focused on M/M Content, more gay content than anything else.
i can´t help but wonder when is the pregnancy/fertility mechanic is going to be added in the next update, i don´t know i want the mc to be able to help Hakkon on his ¨mission¨, well just me i think :)
How to cheat the casino?
When seeing the sex shop for the first time "Luck" says that he wants a body, so how do I get a good payday from the slots and when buying it where will I fined it?
Also the AI I named is called "Luck".
1, With the casino you can cheese it by save scumming, Placing a save, betting 1000, As soon as you get above your money when you placed the OG save you save again, Repeat, keep doing this to the wanted amount, And just reload the save if you go broke, But if you lose more than half I'd recommend reloading anyways, As it's faster than hoping you make your way back up.
2. The way you buy the body is by going to your captains quarters and then watching the TV, The TV will mention the Dreamer device, Which unlocks a shop to the right of the quests button, Click on that and you will see an in game error notice, Ignore it, And on the top and left of of the screen you will see two adds, The top one is for the Dreamer, And on the left you can buy the android body along with extra stuff for it, You than go to the forth floor on the ship and click the exit door to which you will receive the body
I'd recommend getting at least 150k before hand just to make sure to buy the extra stuff if you want it.
3. Luck is a good name for him i like it, I named mine Johnny
Thank you for the help, also thank you for the compliment for the ships name.
How/where do I find Nova Nexus?
yeah x2
Tengo unI have a doubt, I have come to harmonia however every time I try to explore I get a word that says "Wip", what does that mean?
Work in progress it's not finish yet.
Maybe someone knows how to save Seline's son? I've hacked New Life but there are only security androids here.
I just wanted to say that i LOVE this game!!!! Best visual novel out there. Only thing i wish is that it was easier to track who exactly we were romancing in the menu screen like who were in an actual relationship with and etc, and i have no clue how to get into a relationship with egons dad :(
I just got new quest "Kill the Warlord", but he has too much hp, i don't understand how to beat him. Maybe there is something i shoud do before battle to increase chances?
UPD: THIS MONSTER IS NO MORE!!! If you have the same problem, you should check side quests in the quests menu
You can unlock a quest to make a bio weapon and lower the hp of the warlod. You can go to the second floor of Akra with 1m of money but i guess that depends if galiano is on your side or no.. i took this parh btw
Galiano is imprisoned. I chose to support Garth. Hewill pay this 1m fee for you if you help him to win the election, but in this case you should accept slavery. It doesn't matter, you still can hack the limo with AI's assistance and avoid being a slave.
I don't know if there is any other ways without supporting Galiano instead of Garth
The combat seems janky and insanely difficult for no reason. Started playing recently and can't beat the sub-guh'nir alpha no matter what I try. Sometimes I can crit for 150 dmg or for like 8 dmg. The enemy can move first and one shot me or completely miss. Pills feel incredibly weak and I have to spam them every turn until the enemy finally misses. Difficulty setting seems to do absolutely nothing as well.
What level are you and what gear do you have on?
I was level 4 with the Master's gear and the weapon you get from Galiano.
It is recommended for the sub-guh´nir alpha fight to choose “tease” rather than fight, that way the fight is more easy to win. (i might have another solution for you but it requieres cheats. idk if you want i tell you the name of the page)
Hey,at least can u tell me pls? Bcs l need a money :/
Sure, You have to search for ‘’ and when your’e there you have to upload the save file, when you do that, just input in the box ‘Galaxycredits’ or ‘Dragons’, if you want you can also modificate your skills, you just have to put in the search box for it, Example: ‘current_combatant > cunning’ Make sure it says ‘current_combatant’ first.
Does anyone know what to do next in save seline's son?
I'm stuck here as well!
What has been implemented with the 'Hate' side of the friendship system? I tried getting some characters to hate me but it only seemed to close off options/interactions/story lines not provide any new ones.