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Please help me! I don't understand how to install update 0.37 so that all my saves remain (about 500+ days). Can you tell me what needs to be done?

nothing just download the save

Can you do a bit more specific mission HINTS to where we could go. I have no idea how to fight the warlork because idk how to make a bonb. I dont find a way to second floor akra (not did i know that its possible) and i dont find the magic planet

Can anyone tell me what i should do i am STUCK. i have the mission conplete the warloard and recrute members. I keep reading magic stuff but whereeeee help


Hi,  how can we meet the collector? I'm pretty sure I was *invited* to his mansion in sytheria on an older version I played before  ,  his mansion appears on the map. I had to restart when I downloaded a newer version cause my saves are nowhere to be found but Now I don't think I can't meet him no matter what I do. I had to move on and then I met him in Harmonia. But there's no other way to interact with him after that.  

Anyone got tips?🥺

(And can we romance the ugly angel?)

(2 edits)

On the second floor of Akra you have to click on wander around until a scene appears for you to go to his mansion.

I don't remember who is the ugly angel? If you mean Detritus, Iacchus' companion, has only one submissive sex scene.

OOoooh... Do I have to do some specific something or finish something for the event to trigger? I can't find him yet🥺 do I just have to try and try? (And yes. That's him. I remember from his dialogue that he was an Angel which the centipede daddy just cursed to be ugly )

Anyways. Thanks, love you. 

(And can we even somehow finish the find levi mission? )

(1 edit)

Hmm... Have you defeated the warlord yet? I remember there's a scene after you do that and you go to the Akra elevator on the second floor, there's an essence. Iacchus comments on this if I'm not mistaken, then you try to wander around in the same place where the elevator and that AI are.

I didn't even remember that about Angel, thanks for the information. lol

Levi's mission can't be finished yet. Anything that says WIP (Work in Progress) means you can't do it yet.

Edit: Have you already found him in Sithyrya in your new save? If not, you need to do it first with Warlord defeated, you have to Wander Around option in Kavhar (Sithyrya)

I did defeated the warlord. Now imma go see if I can find the centipede daddy. Thanks so much. Mwa mwa😗

(2 edits)

need help with making potion ;w;

Or is it meant to fail

(2 edits)

You can make both potions without fail. These are the two recipes:

The new update is quite bad.

This has caused issues with the dialogue between character often being partly obscured by the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.

Please fix this or revert back to the previous method of displaying dialogue.

This latest change is quite bad.

I think no one mentioned it so I’m going to comment for the first time…am I the only one who noticed those new characters might have been inspired by Baldur’s Gate 3? Like Gabriel is just the same as Gale, Hareldir is Halsin, and I’m not sure but Alexander might be Astarion + Cazador. I’m not expecting this but I find it quite fun and interesting lol

Thank you Xperiment for making such an amazing game!

Nah, you're not the only one. I never made the Alexander connection though. I'm still wondering who else we're getting lmao.

Running into an error on the current version:

While running game code:

  File "game/worlds/university.rpy", line 7421, in script


  File "game/worlds/university.rpy", line 7421, in <module>


ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "game/worlds/university.rpy", line 7421, in script


  File "renpy/", line 928, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "renpy/", line 2235, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "game/worlds/university.rpy", line 7421, in <module>


  File "renpy/", line 875, in do_mutation

    return method(self, *args, **kwargs)

ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list



Lust Odyssey 0.38.1

Sat Mar  8 19:09:08 2025


Don't we got new content for holoryx🥺? I hate the bastard for betraying me ,but he was making thirsty comments. 

Also. Is there a way we can save the xeonians? No matter where I side they get blewn up. Tried not telling Garth, kept him alive,but now he hates my guts😔 I want four eyed daddy too!!!!!!

Yes, it is possible to save the Xeonians, but you have to side with Garth, Galiano has to be imprisoned and then side with Holoryx.

Ohhh. I'll try that, thanks!!!  love you

You're welcome! <3

On this route you can also get Galiano's club for yourself. Don't forget to deny Garth's bribe several times until the option to have the club appears.

Can I make Garth my crew member? Is there any way to keep Galliano as the owner of the club.

(2 edits)

In the route of siding with Galiano and then pretending to have killed Garth. Garth cannot be a member of the group yet, but he stays temporarily on your ship, later you take him to Comet L-17 (This is where you did the Attack On Pirates mission) where he remains. Galiano remains the owner of the Club even if you are dominant or submissive.

In the route of siding completely with Garth, Galiano never remains the owner of the club, it is either you or Garth who becomes the new owner.

is there an alternate download link? for some reason isn't downloading this or any other games for me

(1 edit) (+1)(-9)

Can you make the game playable for straight guys to? l realy love the game but gay stuff is not my taste


Might want to find another game then, or play as a female. There are plenty of games for straight people out there, you need only look.

how can making something ? help me please,  thx 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Deleted 13 days ago
(1 edit)

Firstly, click the Flaming Torch once, then add 2 Elven Leaf and 1 Essence Hibiscus to the Cauldron.

Then stir the Cauldron clockwise 3 times by clicking  the bottom arrow on the right side of the Cauldron

NOTE: Wait for the ladle to complete a full rotation in the Cauldron before clicking the arrow to stir it again as stirring too quickly will cause your potion to fail.

Then stir the Cauldron Anti-Clockwise One Time  by clicking the top arrow.

Then click the Craft button, which is located above the are where the herbs are stored.

In the PC version I'm getting a bad error that prevent traveling around the map on Harmonia.

in File game/core/screens_core.rpy line 5742 I get a Name Error that 'the_ossary_available' is not defined.

This seems to be because I continues a game save from v36.1 where the ossary variable didn't exist


i have searched everywhere for the new Pup Collar


Greetings, how are you? Excuse me, I have two questions: 

1) Is there a way to have sex with Rylan's brother, Ryordan?

 2) Is there a possibility of introducing the Spanish language into the game little by little?

I love this game

(1 edit)

Yes you can have sex with Rylans brother Ryordan, you have to persuade him to go back to the ship and see the old doctor/scientist Arthur and allow him to run some tests.

Make a save when you persuade Ryordan to go back to the ship, adjust your sexual preferences/role to being bottom-submissive  and explore all the various choices via reloading your Save adjust your sexual preferences and make different choices.

If you make the right choices, you will get to have sex with Ryordan and things can get a slightly bit kinky with a tiny little bit of intimate interaction between the brothers, but it doesn't go very far and hasn't reached the incestuous stage yet..................................

But we all know sexually liberated Rylan is, he is willing to to just about anything with anyone, so I am not ruling casual incestuous sexual encounters between those two.

What happened in this scene was because Ryordan had not had any sex since becoming ill and he had a very frustrated and repressed sex drive, then suddenly he felt a little better for a little while and felt an overwhelming need for sexual release .

(1 edit) (+1)

i am stuck, someone help me please in the mision of find the praharma of akra
, you have reached the second level, make friends and contacts to reach the third one. i dont know what i had to do

Hi, find  pulse . Talk take to nikolaos?? Is that the correct spelling? But anyways. He'll give you something to do that will eventuality move the plot forward and will get you to the praharma on the third floor


The pregnancy It is not yet implemented?

There was a cheat enabled version I guess it's removed

Could someone help me, the engine ran out of fuel and I don't know how to refill it

(1 edit)

Forget it, I already learned how, but is there some design error here or is there a way to get fuel if you get stuck on another planet?

use save editor (it's a cheat way)

Please save me, I haven't been able to reach the second floor of Akra for months. Even when I play at the casino, all I do is lose and it's going up terribly slowly.

Do you have any solutions?


what part of the story are you in? if you sided with Garth he has a way


man i wish the wiki was updated. i got stuck on some parts and had to comb through a lot of community comments just to look for the answers i needed

Hi there ! Do you guys know how to get gold fast ? Idk if it's a problem of mine but prostitution doesnt work on my game... 

Deleted 38 days ago

use save editor

(5 edits) (+1)(-1)


Anyone else got jumpscared by Damien when you gave him the lesser healing potion? Felt like the game was foreshadowing something about him loosing his head.

Hello guys ! Hope u good. I'm kind of stuck and I don't Know if it's a WIP quest. I need to find Levi in Downtown in mysterious fate and secondly i've to find a new Brain for the IA in nova Nexus, but I do not succeed to do more for now.

And , I don't know how to access to the magical School, actually, all mages in Shystaya have depop, and I only have access to the Ruin, I need an expert 😆.

Could someone helps me ?

All of these missions cannot be completed in the game yet. To reach the magical kingdom, you have to click on a button that says 'explore' which is located on the same screen where you choose to travel to another planet with the pilot Samuel.


Okay ! Thank u so much ! I know i'll not spend time now to search something that isn't available now 🤣. And thanks again for the magical School it works !

does anyone know the mission of lacchus?

does someone know where to buy more fuel? also where is the place to find the lizard's vault code?

BRADLEY is the code. You can buy fuel (negative mass) in Sithyrya at the junk shop.

(1 edit)

thanks, I got the "2000DR" from it, I thought it could be something more interesting though

You're welcome, I also thought it would be something better...

How do I recharge the ship

You have to buy a negative mass.

hi!! I really really love this game! is there a way for me to change the player's body aside from at the start? I selected the feminine body, female genitalia, but after I told Rylan I was a boy, wanting my character to be a feminine trans man like myself, it automatically forced me into the male body type from thereon out. can I fix this?

(3 edits)

Hey. There is a clinic on the second floor of Akra. It will take a while for you to unlock this area of the map.

Edit: I just tested this combination of body and pronoun that you mentioned and the scene with Rylan had no problems with me, he said the pronoun correctly and in the sexual act it was described that I had the female body. Try starting the game again, I think you may have clicked on something wrong when choosing.

hey! the descriptions are fine, it's moreso just the visual in the player tab that bothers me, where you put on your armor/clothes and all. it's a very small nitpick, just something that bothers me personally, and I was wondering if there was a way to fix it ^^

(3 edits) (+1)

This really wasn't supposed to happen. Fixing this is quite complicated because in the game we still don't have the ability to change the pronoun or change the body from male to female, only the genitals.

To fix this you would have to use a online save editor and change two variables... If you want I can fix it for you, but you have to tell me what combination of body size, hair color and size, eye color and skin you want.

If you want to try to fix it yourself, here's how:

1. You don't need to start the game over, just save the game and exit the game immediately (it's important to exit immediately, because the game generates save files automatically and you will end up selecting the wrong file when editing).

2. Find your game's save folder. On PC, it's in Lust Odyssey/game/saves, and on Android, it's android/data/ (I don't remember the file name, it's either Lust Odyssey or xperiment.)

3. Go to this websiteand upload your save (sort it by date and time if you don't know which file it is).

4. Search for 'man' in the magnifying glass, which is easier to find and change the values of the following variables:


Change it the same way as in the image below, from man to woman.

5. Download the file, put it in your game's save folder, then open it and load your save.

How do I remove the chastity device?

I have to say, I am in love with this game! It's so extensive and I'm really into story, especially since I have a soft spot for stories where you try to find yourself. I love that there is a choice of gender and pronouns, even if I play a plain old woman. Also it's hot, finally a game that has all the kinks. I just have to remember to save more often.

I'm an old player but only now commenting on this. Why the hell is this game so hard to find lmfao. Like, I searched up Lust Odyssey on the search bar, there was nothing. Searched it on google for the one specifically, and it took me content diving a few pages just to find it. Nearly lost my mind trying to search for the game a few hours ago when I remembered this game must've updated.

I would share this on Patreon but don't think it's possible to share images. Anyway, I discovered a nasty bug that I hope can be resolved easily. (On both Android versions) It makes that part of the game almost unplayable.

It's not just the ship AI either. Seems like this problem persists with everyone.

Well, what I mean is it says 2518 xp collected but only 482 xp were needed for the next level.... Am I missing something?

so, for some reason when i downloaded the update it completly deleted the saves folder, not even just overiding it, it was gone untill i re opened the game and came back empty.

luckly i had a backup separate on my hard drive, but its from september, and it has reset me back a decent bit.

How do I download the update without losing my save? I play on mac

I'm new here, so I don't know how to download the update without losing my previous walkthrough... Help? 🥲

(1 edit) (+1)

Do you play on your cell phone, MAC or PC?

The save folder on your PC is located at: AppData\Roaming\RenPy\LustOdyssey

On Android it is: Android\Data\LustOdyssey

On Android you don't need to uninstall the app, if you install it without uninstalling, a pop up appears saying that it will update.

I don't have an iPhone or Mac, so I don't know.

Yes, I'm an Android user. So, if I just download it without uninstall, it will update the newest version automatically? Oh! Thank goodness! it would be devastating if I lost the save files... Thank you so much!! ♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)

(1 edit) (+1)

You're welcome! I've never had any problems doing it this way. But try to make a backup of the folder on Google Drive just to be safe, in case your phone breaks one day.

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