Hi, is there a way to obtain gold fast in Harmonia? I want the magic lockpick to liberate Damien and showering the centaur and stealing from goblings takes a lot of time. Im counting the 750 from the vampire quest but there is a lot until 3000.
For some reason, when I try to download new(mobile) update, it get's down to 0.1 version, which is very bugged(Damien, for example, is named "???" and game acts like I didn't meet him before + I asked Edward to pay for my tuition, but now I need to seek money myself)
can somebody help me with this quest. I have stuck in Hire the Best Soldier in Akra quest for a while. I already completed recruiting Feraldo, but I can't do the next activity which is Talk to Egon, everytime I talk to Egon, the recruiting soldier conversation never show up.
Xperiment, this game is freaking awesome 😭. You did an amazing job with it, the lore is so extensive and I love how vast the story is, how many characters there are, how many different species and planets are in this game is still so surprising
also the ship’s Ai? I named him Jason, and he’s so funny, I love him 😭. He’s so sassy, it’s always fun whenever he’s in the story. Love him, probably my favourite character in the game. The story is amazing and the level of detail and explanation for species and planets, man you could make a series out of this. This game is awesome 11/10
Got a big problem with a new game and Galiano. After I pay back Rylan's debt, Galiano has an option to "Repeat: Nikolaos meeting." I was on day 2 and had only done a single Kill the Sub-Guh'Nir mission, I clearly should not have had this. And if I keep playing, it naturally triggers the Nikolaos meeting before I've even MET Nikolaos. It's before I've even faced the Warlord. This problem cropped up when the Nikolaos meeting was first added.
Hi, I think I found a bug about Bradley. On the Galactic Union Missions screen, Bradley is showing that he is level 16, but on the companions screen he is still level 14.
I have already participated in several combats with him and he is gaining experience but not gaining levels, the other characters are correct.
The combat experience points are counting on the Galactic Union Missions screen and even without doing missions he has gained experience and his level is already at 16, but in the combat part he only accumulates experience and does not go beyond 14.
Dear, can I ask you something? I haven't seen any CG creations of the same type as Rylan or Dr. Arthur. Don't you have any plans to create CGs of this type?
I'm really stuck- like really, really stuck. I've found the second Praharma and have gone up the elevator to talk to him, I've done Snake's sidequest and donated like 400,000$, I've overthrown Newlife, I've done Diego's thing and made him my slave, I literally cannot think of anything to do, and I can't find any prompts for new parts of the story. Dear god please help.
There is my prediction for you, sweete: once you step on the bridge of your ship, once you leave Akra and travel through space, you will find wonderfil place called Harmonia. That's where your jurney will cntinue.
I need help with the second level, I did the elevator thing, to find the second Praharma, haven’t met him yet, but I need to wander around the second city level to find someone. But when I met them. I can’t see them cause it says attribute roll failed
what attribute level do I need to complete this? Cause I can’t advance through the story without it 😭 I need to know what I have to upgrade to meet this mysterious figure
Note: I’ve sided with Bio-Tech, helped Garth and bugman take down New Life, went up the elevator, haven’t met Diego yet cause he’s always not available.
in my case, Diego became available only after waiting for him for 3-4 days in a row.
As for that person you are trying to meet, if we are talking about the same person, i have no advice for you. I guess i know who they are and i was doing everything i could to avoid that meeting, and still met him in Harmonia. But maybe you should try Perceprion since it's about being attentive
ah ok ok. Thanks for the advice, I’ll try to upgrade my perception. Cause I think I did too much with the appearance and my stats are too unbalanced 😭 (Mind you, my appearance is 33 and the rest of my stats don’t even break into double digits) so I lost a lot of stat rolls. Definitely should have put more thought into this
I used to max my appearance too cause wanted to try win all battles by sex in my previus time playing, but didn't manage it. Other stats are very useful, they let you use different styles in battle, using meele and ranged attacks, avoid being killed by one punch, cast more powerful magic too. so now i upgrade all of them (appearence is still my favorite).
Also a little tip: if you use sword in battle, you can speak with Feraldo, if you let him join the crew. He can teach you some useful skills
Right ok, well thank you for the advice. Also yeah, I added Feraldo to the crew. Didn’t know I’d ending up liking him lol, thought he was a bit much at first. But he’s super sweet
Just few days ago i started to playing this game again from the beginning. Finding new routes and sides of story makes me literally shine with delight. But this time i have an issue:
Should i choose Nikolaos or Holoryx?
Nikolaos and his kind seem to be capable of blood magic and i want it, and also they may help me to reach Praharma of Akra, cause when i chose Holoryx previous time Praharma of Akra said that they will use powerful weapon for mass exterminatin if we try to go to the third floor.
On the other hand, I want to save Seline's son and it seems that i cant do it if i support Nikolaos and new Life.
I sided with New Life second, I sided with Bio-Tech and then preloaded the save to see how it was siding with New Life. New Life gives you 2 mil for helping them, Bio-Tech gives you 1 mil. Though the crew do react a lot better when you side with Bio-Tech, and there’s less fall out if you side with Bio-Tech
If you like Garth? Then I’d suggest siding with Bio-Tech. Spoilers!
Garth doesn’t make it if you side with New Life, you basically kill him and majority of his kind if you side with New Life. Honestly other than the money, Bio-Tech seems the more moral choice
Hey :) amazing game, played it all night last night! But now I got a strange bug PLS HELP haha when I start the game, as I remember from last night, there were the dialogues shown in upper right corner, but now it just shows the names, not even the informations are shown - I tried to delete the game from my PC and download it again, but it's the same bug again - any solutions?
Good morning, mine did this too, but from what I remember, after spending a few sentences or scenes, when it changed location, it returned to normal. I don't know for sure, but I think it has something to do with an error in the scene or dialogue on that part! Sorry I couldn't help more!
I personally would like there to be a little more content about Arthur, I was very interested in the subject that he talks about with the agent about the former captain of the ship who may still be alive in space because he is a meta-human and may survive for a while in space I would like that would be more explored, like Arthur’s whole story!
I'm wondering if i can have something between me and that dark elf prince from the beginning of the game. Want him into MC's crew collection. And also it would be good to know if there is doing to be something with Egon except visiting him at home
You can do 50 and 100 gold attempts on the goblin trickster's cup challenge thing. It resets every day, and just crossing the valley causes the time to move really fast. Technically wandering around in the town let's you pick up 1 gold every now and then too.
I was wondering, is there anything you can do with the ship's computer besides just giving it/him a body that can be modified by you and changing your relationship (how it/he addresses you)? Also, I absolutely love the game and hope you continue what you are doing! (I love the fact that I can be a Dominant Bottom, though I wish there are more scenes/events for this; especially with the King in Eldor and possibly Charlie)
I realize this is a month old, so you might've already found out. You can take Chip to the cafe/park area on the second level of Akra and fuck him in public. You can also fuck him in front of Ryland—maybe others, but I don't know. I've only pursued Ryland in terms of a relationship.
Also, as a dom bottom, I 100% agree with you. I think this is the only game I've found that allows for it. I'm dying for more content lol
No problem. I actually accidentally deleted my saves, so I have to start over from the beginning. This helps. By Ryland, do you actually mean Rylan? And by fuck him in front of Ryland, is this also only possible at the cafe/park area?
And I'm with you on the same page in regards to more content for dom bottom players 100%!
Rylan yeah lol. For that scene, it's on the ship in your bedroom. I assume it has to do with what kinks and roles you have active at the time. Not sure how many variations there are, if any, but my character showed Rylan how he "should" act by teasing him Chip was a better sub than he was.
Interesting.... This hasn't happened for me yet (or maybe I'm not far enough into the story?). Wonder what conditions are required (or if certain scenes need to happen first)
Right? This game is WAYY more detailed and in depth than I thought it would be. Multiple species and planets, characters and the storyline is actually interesting, rare for a “poon” game to have such detail to it. Love this game (also the Ship’s Ai is my favourite, he’s so funny 😭)
though I’m still on the second level of Akira, haven’t met the second Praharma yet, still stuck there after the Bio-Tech/New Life thing
I'm stuck to choose between agreeing to steal the etherium for myself or hand it Galiano, will there be any lasting consequences if i picked the first one?
Coming here because I have no seen an actual answer to getting to the second floor of Arka.
In my game: I have 1million GC, I told Garth I did not want to be a slave. There have been no other options that I can tell for me to get to the 2nd floor.
EDIT: I noticed my game wasn't updating properly through itch so I just re-did it. Now my game crashes if I choose Accept the Deal from Garth.
Once you accept the terms, you can let the Ship's AI hack into the AI of the limousine and preemptively exit the stage. Or don't. Likely doesn't make a huge difference, because *spoiler*. I agreed to the hacking btw.
I'm sorry you encountered game breaking bugs. I also encountered one but since I save much too often I just reloaded the previous save. In my case it was a softlock... Honestly, I'm not even surprised there are this many bugs considering how complex the game is with all it's choices.
also wondering about this, i went back because i thought finalizing the second floor quest would lock me out of finding him. might be the quest isnt completed or you need to not work with bugguy (i sided with garth -> bug dude)
Just a heads up for others, I highly recommend holding off on going to Harmonia until you've finished Akra's second set of quests (up to dealing with Newlife/Biotech, speaking on the third floor elevator, recruiting Zyron, etc). There is a fair bit of dialogue or options with certain crew members that you'll miss out on if you haven't done all of that at Akra, and the trigger for Feraldo's romance is at the start of that second Akra questline as well.
That is really helpful to know. Thanks a lot! I've already been to Harmonia, so do I inevitably start again from an earlier save? I'd like to trigger Feraldo's route if possible. It's rather unfortunate if it works that way, because I've collected quite a few materials and money since then, but alright... Also, do you mean the start of Harmonia's questline or...? Last question, collecting 1 Million GC by basically just doing lotto and missions is the only way to get to the higher floors? Seems quite time consuming to be honest. I've already been pondering if I'm missing something important.
Sure thing, there should probably be a warning of some kind. I'm a newer player but I noticed it when I went to straight to Harmonia and Feraldo was acting like I had rejected him there despite me picking everything I could have to simp for him up to that point, so I reloaded and held off on going there.
If you're asking where to start Feraldo's romance, I meant at the start of the second Akra questline (I'll edit my post to clarify). After beating the Warlord and going back to Akra, when you go back to your ship after landing, some dialogue will start with Feraldo and you can either accept or reject being his omega.
Constantly gambling 1000GC is the best way to get 1mil GC. Save when you get a good result and reload if you get nothing too many times in a row. I might be mistaken but I think the odds are very much in the player's favour.
First of all, thank you for your comprehensive answer.
Hmm, if I remember correctly my protagonist wasn't exactly rejected by Feraldo upon landing on Harmonia. I should check, though. Oh, is there perhaps a chance you're somewhat behind in fullfilling vital quests, because you just started? Then again you already collected the GC, right? It's confusing not gonna lie. Thinking back, Feraldo told me he was looking forward to hunting me in the forest to which I replied let's see who ends up as prey in the end... So as you can see, agreeing to become Feraldo's omega is definitely not the only way to become his... partner. But it seems that at least for now, dominating or getting dominated is the only relationship you can actually have – not too surprising all things considered – so perhaps similar in nature to the dynamic you can have with the king. Granted, I wouldn't know since I didn't choose that option. My guess is "Feraldo the big pupper" route isn't established yet...
Now that I'm reading this I feel utterly foolish for reloading the previous save every time the lotto was unsuccessful. Truly a chore haha. If that is true then 'earning' 1 Million GC is far easier than I thought. Although I'd rather fight worthy opponents than spent my time pressing a single button, this is at least acceptable instead of being outrageously time consuming and thus tedious. Well, still somewhat tedious but anyway.
This question might become obsolete: In order to trigger the goblin, vampire etc. quests on Harmonia, do I talk to the king at, what was it, 10pm to maybe 1am? Previously it was 8pm (thought he meant "am" and panicked a little...)
PS: Is the part about Feraldo somehow censored due to it's nature of being spoiler territory ?
I'm not sure how to trigger the quests on Harmonia. Unless I'm mistaken, the vampire and goblin quests were available to me the moment I got there, and then shortly after, the "beast" quest somehow got unlocked, though all of them can only be done once. If you're wondering how to farm money on Harmonia, the best way at the moment is probably just repeatedly doing the 50/100 gold cup thing at the goblin camp (and potentially stealing from them each night), it resets every day and crossing the valley progresses time fast.
Rather than being rejected by Feraldo, I meant that the game assumes you've rejected him if you landed on Harmonia first without talking to him on Akra, though I'm pretty sure you can still accept being his omega if you go to Akra afterwards and have that conversation. If you accept his advances in regards to being his omega, then instead of the dialogue you got, you can either state that you're okay with him "knocking up" Gabriel or you can be jealous (which he likes, amusingly). It's clear that there's going to be a separate path where the protag could dominate him and become his alpha, though given his overall nature and the way he naturally expresses affection (loves protecting/caring for the protagonist, etc), being his omega sounds much more romantic than dominating him imo. :p
I was being mildly vague to be less spoiler-y about Feraldo but it's nothing major.
Edit: The vampire quest and potentially other stuff might only be available in the current patreon version btw (which I'm playing with).
So yes, I've figured a couple of things out. Also, you say the quests were available right away, meanwhile I didn't even know you had to click on the papers! Your mention of the "beast" quest is news to me, however. No idea how to trigger this one, yet, although I've been mostly busy on Akra's 2. Lvl, gathering another 1 Million despite only needing 500K and what not. The usual as you know.
By the way, for some reason I seem to be grossly underpowered. Until now, I've always been fighting melee with the Dark Crystal sword, but then I purchased that fancy gun on Akra. And I'm still equipped with the armor made from dragon scales. Is there even another one? Unfortunately, a lot of my ealier points went into melee combat and I don't know how to reset them, thus I'm finally making use of the Scream of Rage God Spell. More so a cheat than a genuine ability. On that note, what's your current level? I'm level 19 without knowing whether or not that's high, low or normal. Another element bugging me are the Galactic Union missions. Not sure how exactly you're supposed to tackle them, really, probably by doing lots of them... Or by giving them a shot despite the low probability.
Oh, you mean like becoming his wolf cub? Wait, no, that sounds kind of awkward doesn't it... Although personally I don't care much about either option to be honest. In fact, this might be the first FVN or rather bara VN in which a wolf beastman cares about these roles. I wonder if it's related to the omega verse, since m-preg is an option, apparently, when playing as a male.
I'm pretty certain back then, if you had accepted becoming Galiano's slave or submissive lover you would've had an option to also top him. Now it seems his entire route has sailed for deciding against this, so hopefully Feraldo's route differs. I wouldn't call him caring per se, perhaps more so obsessive for now instead, yet maybe I've just forgotten important dialog. Then there's also a chance at building romantic relationships with the husbandos in the future~
You're correct, the vampire route isn't available currently. The other one is done.
Spoilers don't bother me much as long as they're not related to major plot revelations.
Have you completed the Remember main mission already? My guess is the genetic material you get as a reward for that one mission is a clue. Sadly, it's too much for my crew to handle at the moment.
Anyway, your help and insight is definitely appreciated!
That's really helpful, i really wish there was a walkthrough we can use to have the best experience, but i guess that takes away the fun of exploring the game even on my second playthrough i'm still discovering new things.
There's an incomplete wiki which helps somewhat (up to what the wiki covers at least), but yeah, it'd be neat if the game guided the player a bit better to avoid issues where parts of the story play out of order.
Does anyone know which route between Galiano vs Garth has a happier outcome? On the surface it looks like going with Garth is the more morally correct option.
Edit: Went with Garth and he does seem like the much more morally correct option.
Well, it's been a while since I've been at that point yet your judgement seems correct. This might be a spoiler to you but anyway, you can choose to spare Garth once you go with Galiano. Other than that Galiano's backstory, while not a justification for his actions, is rather moving and eye-opening in my opinion. Plus, there's more to him than meets the eye...
← Return to game
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Hi, is there a way to obtain gold fast in Harmonia? I want the magic lockpick to liberate Damien and showering the centaur and stealing from goblings takes a lot of time. Im counting the 750 from the vampire quest but there is a lot until 3000.
Good game, by the way.
Bet on the cup games with goblins, whoring on Saturday nights, editing your save file.
For some reason, when I try to download new(mobile) update, it get's down to 0.1 version, which is very bugged(Damien, for example, is named "???" and game acts like I didn't meet him before + I asked Edward to pay for my tuition, but now I need to seek money myself)
Does anyone know how to make the lizard man go away. i really don't want to start from my last save. But i will if i have too.
Try to talk with it again, after finished talking it'll disappear.
it was from fighting during the attack on pirate quest, but it went away by itself. Thanks anyway
Hmm , what is the function voice in this game because there is no sound at all, is this just like a function for falling sounds and so on?
When I download the mobile version it only downloads 0.1 that says it's too old a model program to run properly on my pixel 8
can somebody help me with this quest. I have stuck in Hire the Best Soldier in Akra quest for a while. I already completed recruiting Feraldo, but I can't do the next activity which is Talk to Egon, everytime I talk to Egon, the recruiting soldier conversation never show up.
In this version there are still bugs, I can't even use weapons and sometimes the pronounce things wrong
But I like this game too
Xperiment, this game is freaking awesome 😭. You did an amazing job with it, the lore is so extensive and I love how vast the story is, how many characters there are, how many different species and planets are in this game is still so surprising
also the ship’s Ai? I named him Jason, and he’s so funny, I love him 😭. He’s so sassy, it’s always fun whenever he’s in the story. Love him, probably my favourite character in the game. The story is amazing and the level of detail and explanation for species and planets, man you could make a series out of this. This game is awesome 11/10
wish I found this game sooner 🙌
If you try to accept the offer to go to level 2 after previously refusing the game still crashes
How do I unlock Bradley submission scene during a fight with him? Whatever I do, everything leads to a game over
Are you on the first fight or the second fight?
This is the first fight. When we meet him on the ship
Oh, well there's no sex scene for submitting to him at that point. later on you'll be able to submit to him.
Got a big problem with a new game and Galiano. After I pay back Rylan's debt, Galiano has an option to "Repeat: Nikolaos meeting." I was on day 2 and had only done a single Kill the Sub-Guh'Nir mission, I clearly should not have had this. And if I keep playing, it naturally triggers the Nikolaos meeting before I've even MET Nikolaos. It's before I've even faced the Warlord. This problem cropped up when the Nikolaos meeting was first added.
Hello this is an excellent visual novel hooks me 2 days to play it
A question (I'm still playing) can we buy criminal slaBes at Keirys, I'm interested in having my own meta-human crimila in my chambers
Hi, I think I found a bug about Bradley. On the Galactic Union Missions screen, Bradley is showing that he is level 16, but on the companions screen he is still level 14.
I have already participated in several combats with him and he is gaining experience but not gaining levels, the other characters are correct.
The combat experience points are counting on the Galactic Union Missions screen and even without doing missions he has gained experience and his level is already at 16, but in the combat part he only accumulates experience and does not go beyond 14.
Dear, can I ask you something? I haven't seen any CG creations of the same type as Rylan or Dr. Arthur. Don't you have any plans to create CGs of this type?
I need help please!
I'm really stuck- like really, really stuck. I've found the second Praharma and have gone up the elevator to talk to him, I've done Snake's sidequest and donated like 400,000$, I've overthrown Newlife, I've done Diego's thing and made him my slave, I literally cannot think of anything to do, and I can't find any prompts for new parts of the story. Dear god please help.
There is my prediction for you, sweete: once you step on the bridge of your ship, once you leave Akra and travel through space, you will find wonderfil place called Harmonia. That's where your jurney will cntinue.
I love you 🙏
I need help with the second level, I did the elevator thing, to find the second Praharma, haven’t met him yet, but I need to wander around the second city level to find someone. But when I met them. I can’t see them cause it says attribute roll failed
what attribute level do I need to complete this? Cause I can’t advance through the story without it 😭 I need to know what I have to upgrade to meet this mysterious figure
Note: I’ve sided with Bio-Tech, helped Garth and bugman take down New Life, went up the elevator, haven’t met Diego yet cause he’s always not available.
in my case, Diego became available only after waiting for him for 3-4 days in a row.
As for that person you are trying to meet, if we are talking about the same person, i have no advice for you. I guess i know who they are and i was doing everything i could to avoid that meeting, and still met him in Harmonia. But maybe you should try Perceprion since it's about being attentive
ah ok ok. Thanks for the advice, I’ll try to upgrade my perception. Cause I think I did too much with the appearance and my stats are too unbalanced 😭 (Mind you, my appearance is 33 and the rest of my stats don’t even break into double digits) so I lost a lot of stat rolls. Definitely should have put more thought into this
I used to max my appearance too cause wanted to try win all battles by sex in my previus time playing, but didn't manage it. Other stats are very useful, they let you use different styles in battle, using meele and ranged attacks, avoid being killed by one punch, cast more powerful magic too. so now i upgrade all of them (appearence is still my favorite).
Also a little tip: if you use sword in battle, you can speak with Feraldo, if you let him join the crew. He can teach you some useful skills
Right ok, well thank you for the advice. Also yeah, I added Feraldo to the crew. Didn’t know I’d ending up liking him lol, thought he was a bit much at first. But he’s super sweet
Just few days ago i started to playing this game again from the beginning. Finding new routes and sides of story makes me literally shine with delight. But this time i have an issue:
Should i choose Nikolaos or Holoryx?
Nikolaos and his kind seem to be capable of blood magic and i want it, and also they may help me to reach Praharma of Akra, cause when i chose Holoryx previous time Praharma of Akra said that they will use powerful weapon for mass exterminatin if we try to go to the third floor.
On the other hand, I want to save Seline's son and it seems that i cant do it if i support Nikolaos and new Life.
Help me pls
I sided with New Life second, I sided with Bio-Tech and then preloaded the save to see how it was siding with New Life. New Life gives you 2 mil for helping them, Bio-Tech gives you 1 mil. Though the crew do react a lot better when you side with Bio-Tech, and there’s less fall out if you side with Bio-Tech
If you like Garth? Then I’d suggest siding with Bio-Tech. Spoilers!
Garth doesn’t make it if you side with New Life, you basically kill him and majority of his kind if you side with New Life. Honestly other than the money, Bio-Tech seems the more moral choice
So no blood magic at this time? well, then i will just choose Bio-Tech again. Thanks
Yeah Bio-Tech seems to be the more moral choice and overall, the crew are happier if you side with Bio-Tech
Hey :) amazing game, played it all night last night! But now I got a strange bug PLS HELP haha when I start the game, as I remember from last night, there were the dialogues shown in upper right corner, but now it just shows the names, not even the informations are shown - I tried to delete the game from my PC and download it again, but it's the same bug again - any solutions?
Good morning, mine did this too, but from what I remember, after spending a few sentences or scenes, when it changed location, it returned to normal. I don't know for sure, but I think it has something to do with an error in the scene or dialogue on that part! Sorry I couldn't help more!
How to make your crew stronger and level up faster? From galaxy mission the exp are not enough it need to be shared...I need tip please
Have uncensored in game
I personally would like there to be a little more content about Arthur, I was very interested in the subject that he talks about with the agent about the former captain of the ship who may still be alive in space because he is a meta-human and may survive for a while in space I would like that would be more explored, like Arthur’s whole story!
I'm wondering if i can have something between me and that dark elf prince from the beginning of the game. Want him into MC's
crewcollection. And also it would be good to know if there is doing to be something with Egon except visiting him at homeHow can i earn a lot of money in Harmonia? Whoring ourselves out.... (nobody ever wants me 😂) is not an option...
I think you can whore yourself out successfully on either Fridays or Saturdays only in the evenings. You can repeat the event every week for money
You can do 50 and 100 gold attempts on the goblin trickster's cup challenge thing. It resets every day, and just crossing the valley causes the time to move really fast. Technically wandering around in the town let's you pick up 1 gold every now and then too.
I was wondering, is there anything you can do with the ship's computer besides just giving it/him a body that can be modified by you and changing your relationship (how it/he addresses you)? Also, I absolutely love the game and hope you continue what you are doing! (I love the fact that I can be a Dominant Bottom, though I wish there are more scenes/events for this; especially with the King in Eldor and possibly Charlie)
I realize this is a month old, so you might've already found out. You can take Chip to the cafe/park area on the second level of Akra and fuck him in public. You can also fuck him in front of Ryland—maybe others, but I don't know. I've only pursued Ryland in terms of a relationship.
Also, as a dom bottom, I 100% agree with you. I think this is the only game I've found that allows for it. I'm dying for more content lol
No problem. I actually accidentally deleted my saves, so I have to start over from the beginning. This helps. By Ryland, do you actually mean Rylan? And by fuck him in front of Ryland, is this also only possible at the cafe/park area?
And I'm with you on the same page in regards to more content for dom bottom players 100%!
Rylan yeah lol. For that scene, it's on the ship in your bedroom. I assume it has to do with what kinks and roles you have active at the time. Not sure how many variations there are, if any, but my character showed Rylan how he "should" act by teasing him Chip was a better sub than he was.
Interesting.... This hasn't happened for me yet (or maybe I'm not far enough into the story?). Wonder what conditions are required (or if certain scenes need to happen first)
Oh no i killed the ginger haired child at Hogwarts😅
Spoilery but not really since he's the thumbnail
Krixus is kinda... 👀
Also lol the floating dick.
How do you trigger the university?? Do we need to wait?
University is unlocked as part of .35 release which is the current Patreon version. It will be on itch version for next month.
How'd you do that? :o for me, i already finished day two but day 3 is a WIP, so I don't know what to do after this
actually ridiculously good, came here for short nsfw fun and now I'm super invested in the story and world. (and mostly egon and rylan lets be honest)
Right? This game is WAYY more detailed and in depth than I thought it would be. Multiple species and planets, characters and the storyline is actually interesting, rare for a “poon” game to have such detail to it. Love this game (also the Ship’s Ai is my favourite, he’s so funny 😭)
though I’m still on the second level of Akira, haven’t met the second Praharma yet, still stuck there after the Bio-Tech/New Life thing
I'm stuck to choose between agreeing to steal the etherium for myself or hand it Galiano, will there be any lasting consequences if i picked the first one?
Simply make a save at that decision point in the game, then you can explore the impact your choice has on the game.
If you don't like the path of the events which result from your choice, simply go back to the saved decision point and choose the other option.
Coming here because I have no seen an actual answer to getting to the second floor of Arka.
In my game: I have 1million GC, I told Garth I did not want to be a slave. There have been no other options that I can tell for me to get to the 2nd floor.
EDIT: I noticed my game wasn't updating properly through itch so I just re-did it. Now my game crashes if I choose Accept the Deal from Garth.
Once you accept the terms, you can let the Ship's AI hack into the AI of the limousine and preemptively exit the stage. Or don't. Likely doesn't make a huge difference, because *spoiler*. I agreed to the hacking btw.
I'm sorry you encountered game breaking bugs. I also encountered one but since I save much too often I just reloaded the previous save. In my case it was a softlock... Honestly, I'm not even surprised there are this many bugs considering how complex the game is with all it's choices.
How do I find Seline's son?
also wondering about this, i went back because i thought finalizing the second floor quest would lock me out of finding him. might be the quest isnt completed or you need to not work with bugguy (i sided with garth -> bug dude)
any clue yet?
Just a heads up for others, I highly recommend holding off on going to Harmonia until you've finished Akra's second set of quests (up to dealing with Newlife/Biotech, speaking on the third floor elevator, recruiting Zyron, etc). There is a fair bit of dialogue or options with certain crew members that you'll miss out on if you haven't done all of that at Akra, and the trigger for Feraldo's romance is at the start of that second Akra questline as well.
That is really helpful to know. Thanks a lot! I've already been to Harmonia, so do I inevitably start again from an earlier save? I'd like to trigger Feraldo's route if possible. It's rather unfortunate if it works that way, because I've collected quite a few materials and money since then, but alright... Also, do you mean the start of Harmonia's questline or...? Last question, collecting 1 Million GC by basically just doing lotto and missions is the only way to get to the higher floors? Seems quite time consuming to be honest. I've already been pondering if I'm missing something important.
Sure thing, there should probably be a warning of some kind. I'm a newer player but I noticed it when I went to straight to Harmonia and Feraldo was acting like I had rejected him there despite me picking everything I could have to simp for him up to that point, so I reloaded and held off on going there.
If you're asking where to start Feraldo's romance, I meant at the start of the second Akra questline (I'll edit my post to clarify). After beating the Warlord and going back to Akra, when you go back to your ship after landing, some dialogue will start with Feraldo and you can either accept or reject being his omega.
Constantly gambling 1000GC is the best way to get 1mil GC. Save when you get a good result and reload if you get nothing too many times in a row. I might be mistaken but I think the odds are very much in the player's favour.
First of all, thank you for your comprehensive answer.
Hmm, if I remember correctly my protagonist wasn't exactly rejected by Feraldo upon landing on Harmonia. I should check, though. Oh, is there perhaps a chance you're somewhat behind in fullfilling vital quests, because you just started? Then again you already collected the GC, right? It's confusing not gonna lie. Thinking back, Feraldo told me he was looking forward to hunting me in the forest to which I replied let's see who ends up as prey in the end... So as you can see, agreeing to become Feraldo's omega is definitely not the only way to become his... partner. But it seems that at least for now, dominating or getting dominated is the only relationship you can actually have – not too surprising all things considered – so perhaps similar in nature to the dynamic you can have with the king. Granted, I wouldn't know since I didn't choose that option. My guess is "Feraldo the big pupper" route isn't established yet...
Now that I'm reading this I feel utterly foolish for reloading the previous save every time the lotto was unsuccessful. Truly a chore haha. If that is true then 'earning' 1 Million GC is far easier than I thought. Although I'd rather fight worthy opponents than spent my time pressing a single button, this is at least acceptable instead of being outrageously time consuming and thus tedious. Well, still somewhat tedious but anyway.
This question might become obsolete: In order to trigger the goblin, vampire etc. quests on Harmonia, do I talk to the king at, what was it, 10pm to maybe 1am? Previously it was 8pm (thought he meant "am" and panicked a little...)
PS: Is the part about Feraldo somehow censored due to it's nature of being spoiler territory ?
I'm not sure how to trigger the quests on Harmonia. Unless I'm mistaken, the vampire and goblin quests were available to me the moment I got there, and then shortly after, the "beast" quest somehow got unlocked, though all of them can only be done once. If you're wondering how to farm money on Harmonia, the best way at the moment is probably just repeatedly doing the 50/100 gold cup thing at the goblin camp (and potentially stealing from them each night), it resets every day and crossing the valley progresses time fast.
Rather than being rejected by Feraldo, I meant that the game assumes you've rejected him if you landed on Harmonia first without talking to him on Akra, though I'm pretty sure you can still accept being his omega if you go to Akra afterwards and have that conversation. If you accept his advances in regards to being his omega, then instead of the dialogue you got, you can either state that you're okay with him "knocking up" Gabriel or you can be jealous (which he likes, amusingly). It's clear that there's going to be a separate path where the protag could dominate him and become his alpha, though given his overall nature and the way he naturally expresses affection (loves protecting/caring for the protagonist, etc), being his omega sounds much more romantic than dominating him imo. :p
I was being mildly vague to be less spoiler-y about Feraldo but it's nothing major.
Edit: The vampire quest and potentially other stuff might only be available in the current patreon version btw (which I'm playing with).
Should've done this eariler
So yes, I've figured a couple of things out. Also, you say the quests were available right away, meanwhile I didn't even know you had to click on the papers! Your mention of the "beast" quest is news to me, however. No idea how to trigger this one, yet, although I've been mostly busy on Akra's 2. Lvl, gathering another 1 Million despite only needing 500K and what not. The usual as you know.
By the way, for some reason I seem to be grossly underpowered. Until now, I've always been fighting melee with the Dark Crystal sword, but then I purchased that fancy gun on Akra. And I'm still equipped with the armor made from dragon scales. Is there even another one? Unfortunately, a lot of my ealier points went into melee combat and I don't know how to reset them, thus I'm finally making use of the Scream of Rage God Spell. More so a cheat than a genuine ability. On that note, what's your current level? I'm level 19 without knowing whether or not that's high, low or normal. Another element bugging me are the Galactic Union missions. Not sure how exactly you're supposed to tackle them, really, probably by doing lots of them... Or by giving them a shot despite the low probability.
Oh, you mean like becoming his wolf cub? Wait, no, that sounds kind of awkward doesn't it... Although personally I don't care much about either option to be honest. In fact, this might be the first FVN or rather bara VN in which a wolf beastman cares about these roles. I wonder if it's related to the omega verse, since m-preg is an option, apparently, when playing as a male.
I'm pretty certain back then, if you had accepted becoming Galiano's slave or submissive lover you would've had an option to also top him. Now it seems his entire route has sailed for deciding against this, so hopefully Feraldo's route differs. I wouldn't call him caring per se, perhaps more so obsessive for now instead, yet maybe I've just forgotten important dialog. Then there's also a chance at building romantic relationships with the husbandos in the future~
You're correct, the vampire route isn't available currently. The other one is done.
Spoilers don't bother me much as long as they're not related to major plot revelations.
Have you completed the Remember main mission already? My guess is the genetic material you get as a reward for that one mission is a clue. Sadly, it's too much for my crew to handle at the moment.
Anyway, your help and insight is definitely appreciated!
That's really helpful, i really wish there was a walkthrough we can use to have the best experience, but i guess that takes away the fun of exploring the game even on my second playthrough i'm still discovering new things.
There's an incomplete wiki which helps somewhat (up to what the wiki covers at least), but yeah, it'd be neat if the game guided the player a bit better to avoid issues where parts of the story play out of order.
But what should i do with NewLife to save Seline's son?
I've already gone much more far through storyline of Harmonia. Will this lock me out?
In that regard it shouldn't matter which you do first. Finding her son seems to be unfinished content at the moment.
I quite like this game.
PS: More Bladley content please!
What's the code of the vault ?
I need more Feraldo content. I. am. begging. Pleeeeeeaaassss
I quite agree, unrivaled god-tier husband. Immediately having his babies the moment MC's sterility is curable, and hopefully marriage comes after lol.
Is there a guide? The wiki doesn't seem to have much aside from the very early game romance stuff.
My overview
Does anyone know which route between Galiano vs Garth has a happier outcome? On the surface it looks like going with Garth is the more morally correct option.
Edit: Went with Garth and he does seem like the much more morally correct option.
If i remember correctly There's much more content right now with Galiano.
Well, it's been a while since I've been at that point yet your judgement seems correct. This might be a spoiler to you but anyway, you can choose to spare Garth once you go with Galiano. Other than that Galiano's backstory, while not a justification for his actions, is rather moving and eye-opening in my opinion. Plus, there's more to him than meets the eye...
New update won't let me off the ship or even out of conversations sometimes...?