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guys how can i meet this mysterious stranger in a dark allewy to give my big credit? im so confused,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,somebody pls help meeeeeee

Is yours quest finished? And you had the right amount of credit?

well yeah and my ammount is 765,345 

Nah it's 1.000.000 credits for meeting the man

how can i get that money?

I'm forget the name but you can do gamble and get some money

and also i defeated the boss though

You need to have 1,000,000 credits - how you get them, I have no idea.  I have 150k and the idea of save/load/slot machine is just too tedious so I stopped playing. 

Sad to be you....i played in ren'py and use ren'py editor so i can change some stat


Because i still want to experience of the game so i just change amount of my money

how did you get to the second floor?

Clear the mission and have the right amount of credits

Sad to be you too.... Doing all that hard work just avail the Patreon version and voilà you have a cheat version of the game I'm supporting the creator and it's cheap soo yeah I've availed it;>

I admit you're right love😘

(2 edits)

Also if you said what I'm doing is "hard work"...actually no, I'm just changing numbers.

And actually isn't cheat one is the hard one? You need to spam the plus button

How do I do that? like how do I use it

I play in mobile using joiplay to start the game,save,then go to browser and search for renpy editor online then put your save file in the website and there you go edit all you want and download then replace the new download file with the save file

(I don't know english)

Ah oke aha a video would def be helpful but thanks

whats the code to the vault?



How to recruit Skru'vaks? As the mission unable to be started.


Work in the club i mean bro read the fucking mission😘

I need help. I didn't gave the Ethereum to Galiano. Phoenix says we need to wait for things to calm down, and then we can sell it. But several days have passed and nothing happens. Is that story part made? Have I ran into a bug?

+Garth is on Bradley's old ship. When I try to entertain him, the next thing that appears is "WIP", and nothing more.

I don't even know if they added that in yet. I think he expected most people to side with Galiano. He probably hasn't added it yet its a big game.


I just wanted to say, I love the new combat system your trying out right now. Can't wait too see who else we can bring into fights.

Have the cheats been removed?


Cheats are normally only found in the patreon version. They were accidentally included in one of the versions on here.


I see thank you 

i haven't played the game yet but is looks really promising, if i do like it i will surely give a good rating ! 

Garth lost the elections, is there another way to get to the second floor?


Is there a way to save the dying lizard at the pirate ship?

Nope just like his dialogue event the "doctor" can't help him so he will die anyway 

also we already had cicero as lizard in our team

This story is pretty good.
I got to the second floor, but it seems like there isn't much to do that isn't WIP. owo;


What's the best way to get xp before the warlord fight??

Fight the fucking flying creatures it's give pretty decent amount exp also put the game in hard mode gonna give you more exp~

Or you could just edit some of your stat in ren'py editor just like mine

How do you access the scene with chip ?

You have to order a drink in the park after all the conditions have been met.


Doing a second run through but this time Asmodeo has not shown up when discussing a magical cure for Rylan's bro. What is the trigger for him?

I don't understand what you mean :/

How can I have Bradley survive the Warlord? He died, even though I've done all the sidequests up until that point.

I did also everything, but after our sparring I just hugged him.

did you figure out if he can survive?

(1 edit)

Well, he can survive this encounter, because I made him remain alive in the end of this battle.  And the gist of it is that I guess that it is based on lucky, mostly. The Warlord would attack anyone in the party aleatorielly, and everyone of them have a limit of attacks that they can receive before dying. So you would need to finish the battle the faster that you can to avoid those deaths. But there are some tips that maybe can help you. 

1- Use Skru'vaks to defend your party instead of attacking the Warlod. He will have a few shields that would make your party members alive for some more time thus getting more hits.

2- If you rise the lust level of the Warlord to max with lust attacks he will focus at least one attack on you but, since it will be a lust attack you would recover health at the end of it, so in the end he would just lose life and his turn.

3-  Some party members would not die after the battle. They would just leave the battle. So they are prefereably the best to take some damage first.

4- You could aways save/load your game separetedly after every action to choose whose the person to take the damage.

If I'm not wrong that was the things I've done to made Bradley stay alive through the end. Hope that I helped.

okay, thanks, I'll try it. I tried like 4-5 times already. But I guess I was mostly just unlucky

how do u put the helemet on

(1 edit)

I might also kick your ass because you're cute just check your inventory man

This game giving you access to press buttons in the game, do your exploration with them

how do I see have much money I have

middle top of screen, if you can't see click the green arrow

how do i get to the second floor of akra? 

Big amount of Credits

I need more of this

how the hell did you manage to get to level 202?

Cheats for patreon

Actually no I'm using renpy editor

Ren'py editor


are there any ways faster to earn GC in the game. The mission say that i need a million credit to continue the story

Deleted 1 year ago

Your going to have do the casino if you want the money. Just pick the highest option and save before a attempt and load back to the save if you don't get any money back.

if you didnt betray Galiano then he will give you a mission to kill Garth once and for all, and you'll get like 750k GC from completing it and from there you can just simply go to the casino and bet 1000 GC till you get to 1m but if you did betray Galiano then......... Idk--- Good luck if you did ig--

I going to dark alley it place but can't see the mysterious contact in dark alley here .... how can complete it mission ??? tell me pls thx 

you need to have more than a million credits to pay the price

how much ???

1,000,000 GC

why the cheats aren't available anymore on 0.20?

Cheats are only available for patron members. The dev accidentally uploaded the patreon version on itch.


Where do I buy Chip's body?

You have to watch TV in your room while at akra, then chip adds a new app to your watch and you can buy it for 100k GC

Very much enjoying this game so far. I'm doing a verse switch play and I kind of intuit that I'm missing out on some of the content from not going down a more dedicated dom top or sub bottom route. Darn I may have to play this a couple times.

will there be more updates post to itch io ?

(1 edit) (+2)


Thank you so much for this visual novel! Um, this is the first time I've ever written a comment to an author. However, your VN has a very good balance between NSFW scenes and a good, engaging, plot.

Although I haven't tried the different story line... For example, I didn't let my reputation drop below 0 and thus fully play the role of the bottom submissive xD

SO much waiting the next updates =)

Guys, how do I find Feraldo???

work at the bar

Why can't I take the chastity belt off? I've already asked to be released a dozen times but It doesn't come off.

Because you are a slave :).

But I want to be f***ed by others kkkkk

It's a 20% chance for it too be taken off if you got it from rylan. But if you get it from Asmodeus you just ask him and it's get taken off. But that reduces his friendship.

What does the belt do

4th planet how to unlock it?


Later update

does anyone know the code to open the door there on the comet where the lizard men are

It's  bradley or BRADLEY or something hehe i forgot about it :'''>



how do i find iacchus?

"Wander around" in the city of Kavhar (Sithyrya) many times. Although I'm not sure if it's during day or night time (most probably I did it during the day). There will be a poster that has strange call to your mind. Just follow it =) 
and don't forget to save ;)

Thank u

Love the game and all the updates. Keep it up <3

How do I unlock the gushop, i have no idea how to get chips body. I keep watching tv but nothings happening.

Gun shop isn't done yet. You have to click on the little world /galaxy icon on bottom right. It's the 4th icon and click on the side panel and purchase chips body


I think the new update has an issue, making it impossible to reach the Dark Alley. You can unlock the dark alley when you first meet skruvaks and go for the sex action (variables 1 or 2). If you dont, it will remain locked (variable 0). To get to the Dark Alley now, in order to access the 2nd floor, the variable has to be >0..which is impossible if you skipped the skruvaks sex part.

Is there a way to go to the second floor or is it not implemented yet ?

ye its in pateron verson bro

I cant enter dark alley cause there is no options help me

how do i get pure energy crystal?

in Akra -> VIP Zone -> Subway facilities -> Core . Just ask a worker to sell you energy crystals (you need to accomplish "Eradicate the Sub-Guh’Nirs" quest before that).

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