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Hi, so I'm currently on the Attack on Pirates Quest, and I have Garth as the one that took over the Club, and I can't seem to get the quest finished, did I need to have Galiano as the one that keeps the Club instead?

No, they are completely different quests. Where did you get stuck exactly?

I was stuck thinking that I had to say goodbye to Egon, but I didn't have to, so I was in the wrong. Sorry about that. The game's amazing.

Do I have to re-install the game to play the newest version or is there another way

if you're talking about version 0.9, thats currently only available to patreons

I can't get to planted sith and I need help pls

can you be more specific? Thanks

how do I travel to sith planted and I talked to Arthur and bardly and I still can't travel to sith


Awesome update as usual!


Hey, I didn't find Skru'vaks yet at the 0.8 version. Do I have to do something before that, if it helps, I've been introduced to him but I'm top/dominant 

The content of Skru in version 0.8 is only for bottoms and only if you agreed to suck his D. He'll come back in future updates.

where can i find the cheat option

Only available for 4,50€ Patron.

Deleted 2 years ago

are you on version 0.07 or version 0.08, if your on 0.07 then you have to wait for 0.08 cause that's when you can do the test

Do you need to have a drink with Egon after working in the bar in order to have a chance for the assault after work event to happen?

There's a change of the attack happening as Egon goes clean the tables at the backroom, I think.


 I didn't expect to be so invested in the plot of the game. The whole ark with A battle with power and Attack on Pirates was engaging even though I was here for porn lol 

I really like the fact that there's content to be a sub top in this as most similar games don't really give you that option and I have liked every character I've seen so far.

How do I get my ship to take off? Katari has repaired the ship and he says that we can take off but the quest isn't completed and I don't know what to do

Have you spoken to Rylan in his room yet?

Yeah same here, I've waited until the 27th day, now it's telling me to wait for him to fix the core. I've tried speaking to everyone and it changes nothing, even sleeping many days


That solved my problem. The light on his door never changed to green so I didn't realize that it was now interactable

Glad it worked!

you have to finish the "Battle for power" mission first. 

Can someone tell me how to trigger CG Rylan and Katari? ....Is it in club?


Yes, it's in the club, try reading the Version 0.08 log to check the requirements 


This game is awesome! I love the variety and characters! Great work

Thank you!


I loved this Can't wait for more!!


I’m stuck on “Talk to Rylan when you finished all your business in Akra” but don’t have any business left and everytime I go the lunchroom (at different times) rylan is not there

Deleted post

what the fuck is the valt pasword i cant ask the capton

(1 edit) (+1)

The Captain's name in capital letters.

(1 edit) (+4)

Is there any more content with the alien from the alley once you're able to take him all the way?

By the way, noticed a bug where if you killed Bradley you can get unlimited approval from Arthur by mentioning it to him repeatedly. 


Hi. There will be more Skru'Vaks content coming soon. Thanks for the report!

I like the game so far, however I am stuck on the Attack on Pirates quest. I have talked to Giliano about leaving and seen the cafeteria seen between the 2 crew guys but I can't get the Egon Farewell option. His bars are both at 0 so I think that may be it, or it could be a bug. I have also already completed and recruited the guy from the underground area so that quest isn't stopping me.

If I side with the guy running for mayor I can advance since I don't have to do the farewell with the 2 guys. Any help would be appreciated.

If I remember correctly you need to have Egon's green bar over 0.

I mentioned this below in a reply but figure I should make it a separate topic as a bug report. I am playing as a low respect sub. With Galiano, a conversation topic appears 'Submission' which has Galiano submitting to the MC. I think the test logic is mixed up and this should only appear for a high respect dom MC. Hopefully there is an equivalent for my low respect MC

I think that is a bug since you are only supposed to get it from having high respect (10) in akra and being a dominant top. And yeah I hope so too


Wow, after reading the update summary Next time you can get pregnant Showing that Hakkon can have children with us, oh my god, it's really exciting.


Ok... I'm very quickly losing interest. I thought this was a sandbox RPG, not a maze puzzle game with no obvious endpoint; zero clarity as to where I am, have been, or am going; stairs whose direction doesn't match the visuals; and incredibly vague hints. And from what I've read, it appears at the end of all that I have to defeat someone in physical combat, even though I've had a sub sex build going the entire time up until now.


1. One of the game's tag is text based, so idk what to say to you about that

2. The "maze" isn't really that complicated. it may not be everyone's cup of tea but even then getting through the ship shouldn't be that hard (there's a map you can find on patreon that's free if you do need help though, I'll link it though

3.  I'm doing an agility and appearance build (I'm a Sub too lol) for my main save and I admit I died to the boss a couple of times but then I managed to beat it using healing pills (the games does tell you to get a bunch). The skills all do however upgrade a certain aspect in battle so there pretty balanced.



If you felt that 1. conflicts with anything I said or was helpful in any way, I have no desire to speak to you ever again. Also, that map is completely and utterly useless because there is no in-game map telling you where you are.


Literally anyone would look at the tags in any game, there here too tell you what the game is like and what to expect, and even then the game never said anywhere that it was a sandbox, that's on you lol. 

And if you pay attention to the dialogue, the game will tell you where you are in some places. Apply that knowledge to the map and it does actually make sense. and is useful, I didn't need to use it though so maybe that's just me.

If you don't like the game then by all means don't play it but if your going to give criticism at least do it right. 


I need help I can't trigger the Inside sex option of Galiano (I play bottom) and I fulfilled All the requirements

So I checked the dev log too see if there could be something missing you could've missed that the dev log didn't say, but are you playing as a submissive bottom or a dominant one? I'm playing a sub verse and it worked so idk that could be it

yeah I just re installed it I'll try later if it still doesn't work I was a bottom verse

What is the 'Inside sex' option of Galiano? I play sub as well and I am at something like -15 respect. I do see a 'submission' option when speaking to Galiano but that appears to be a bug and the option meant for a high respect/dom MC.


is there a guide for the game?

Not yet


Please remove the day lock for the quest. It's too boring waiting for it to unlock.

It wont let me leave a room on the asteroid because my lust is at max and I dont have any anti-lust pills so every time I encounter a lizard I get sent back. How do I escape this loop??


I have perception at 4 and apprenance at 8, the Lizardman have a 70% chance of appearing each time you change rooms or interact with anything that the eye icon reveals, you might also randomly have the hide and attack him choices if he did not see you each time he appears, the hide option can allow you to avoid him, if you have a save on the screen before the stairs leading to floor 2, the door on the right can allow you to reset your lust back to 0, you can use that to farm levels, there is another restroom after using the stairs that leads to floor 3 that you can use as well, otherwise you might have to load the save before entering the dungeon if you don't want to save scum through it.

How can I increase my reputation in Akra?

I've finished all the quests so far, but I can't unlock the scenes with Galiano because I still have 3 respect and I need 10.

Hi, can anyone tell me where to find the game's save files on PC? I'd like to start over (been a long time) and reset all the dialogues as unseen... so that I can skip only those I've read this time. I've tried delete the whole game and redownload it but those save files were still there...


Nevermind I found it. For anyone who has the same problem it's "C:\Users\polte\AppData\Roaming\RenPy", or wherever your AppData is and there should be a file called RenPy in it 


I can't seem to trigger the Galiano scene with the "I'm back" option.  My friendship with him is 8 and desire at 16. But nothing happens after I choose that option.


After making Ryan apologize in the club, he still is on my screen on won't come off


I can't make Galiano give up his ass even with my rep at 10. Our friendship is at 12 and I did I'm back discussion with him after I fought Bradley. I need help. 


When it comes to making a guide Xperiment, you can get it underway whenever you have the time to do so, the game is great, so whatever your currently doing at the moment, you keep on doing it in your own time and when you have nothing to do for new contents and stuffs, then you can slowly make a guide for it, take your time for whatever your doing.

(1 edit)

Anyone Know where the wires need to go for that generator puzzle? I think i manage to get one of them to 80 or 90% and the other side was around 10 or 20%, not sure if there is a way for me to get both of them to 100% manually or as high as possible for both numbers.

Never mind, i have found it after messing around for a while, and i wonder if the message someone in the club that gives the first task of the game say something different if i use more tease moves instead of hp ones during the training fight on the ship or if it does not matter?

Hey, can anyone tell me how to beat that guy in the Battle for power quest? He always dodged my bullets. When he got damaged it was like 5 hp. I can't find a weapon shop anywhere too. Am I missing something?

i mannage to beat him with my Appearance at 6, 1 point into rapid shot, improved evasion, equiping the 7 master equipments, the starting gun, and having 30 hp and lust restoring pills, i just tease him and i eventually get his lust to 50 before my hp reach 0 or my lust reach the cap, tease can miss him with that stat points and equipment set up but if you keep trying you will eventually beat him.

You can wander around the first town to unlock new areas to visit as well other than the club.


any femdom in this game and character name, please?

or dominating personality female character name 

I have money I talk to the guy who's fixing ship and keeps saying come bk in couple of days do I fix it . Is it stuck lol


babe wake up new Lust Odyssey version just came out

The gane is grate. But i wonder will we ever get sounds outside of the clubs


Am I gonna be able to save the lizard in the lab?


so far, i  love this game, i hope that in the future maybe we can get like some just basic outline of our character gettin smashed or anythin like that, i won't lie, the sex and characters are hot as hell but god damn is this story intrestin! theres even times where i just skip all the sex stuff just to learn about the characters and the lore! so far the best VN i've ever played!

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